Root Factors For TMS Tampa - Some Challenges Today

YOUR HEALTH: Stimulate your depression

Treatments include counseling, medications, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS, to stimulate the mood-regulating parts of the brain.

"Not all patients respond to the medication or to the neuromodulation," explained Dr. Francisco Romo-Nava, a physician scientist at the University of Cincinnati's Lindner Center of HOPE.

Dr. Romo-Nava and his colleagues are studying a new way to treat mental health disorders.

The neuroscientists are testing a device that delivers stimulation to a patient's spine.

Dr. Romo-Nava says the stimulation will improve the feedback in the central nervous system that is sometimes disrupted when a person has a psychiatric disorder.

For now, patients undergo spinal stimulation for 20 minutes, three times a week, for eight weeks.

"The kind of stimulation that we use is very well tolerated," he explained.

"The most frequent description is like a tingling sensation

Researchers say this stimulation therapy could be the first step to developing better treatment for some patients.

Dr. Romo-Nava was granted a patent for the stimulation method that utilizes transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

He says his research team is trying to determine how often, and how long, patients should undergo the stimulation for the best results.

Between 80% and 90% of people with depression respond well to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

A new form of magnetic brain stimulation relieved symptoms of severe depression in 90% of participants in a study conducted by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The researchers are conducting a larger, double-blinded trial in which half the participants are receiving fake treatment and are optimistic it will prove to be similarly effective in treating people whose condition hasn't improved with medication, talk therapy, or other forms of electromagnetic stimulation.

Treatment Advice For Dealing With Depression In Your Everyday Life

Treating depression is something that could be life-changing and essential in order for you to have a fulfilling life in the future. It does require some research and effort on your part if you want it to work. You may be curious as to how you can get proper treatment.

When dealing with depression, you need to speak freely with trusted individuals. Be it a medical professional or just a close friend, getting things off your chest can help a lot.

Balance your diet to control your depression. If you go too long between meals, you'll end up tired and irritable, which makes your depression worse. Eating too much, however, will make you feel sluggish and guilty. Eat small meals on regular intervals to keep your energy levels up and your brain operating at its peak.

In your battle against depression, challenge your negative thoughts. One of the by-products of depression is putting a negative spin on how you see yourself, your future, and situations that you encounter. If you are like many people who suffer from depression, you are a perfectionist and hold yourself to standards that are impossibly high. Permit yourself to be less than perfect and quit beating yourself up if you don't meet impossible standards you have set for yourself. Negative thoughts will cause depression to become an endless cycle.

Stave off depression by developing your interests. One of the prime factors in depression is a lack of interests and activities that you enjoy. Having an outlet for your interests contributes greatly to self-esteem and happiness. Doing things you enjoy, whether it is painting, hiking, reading, or volunteering keeps your mind off of your problems and gives great satisfaction.

If you are depressed, it would be best for you not to hang around other depressed people. As the old saying goes, misery loves company. The last thing you need is someone rationalizing and promoting your misery. If you hang out with other depressed people, you will be down in the dumps forever, barring any kind of recovery.

In your battle against depression, challenge your negative thoughts. One of the by-products of depression is putting a negative spin on how you see yourself, your future, and situations that you encounter. If you are like many people who suffer from depression, you are a perfectionist and hold yourself to standards that are impossibly high. Permit yourself to be less than perfect and quit beating yourself up if you don't meet impossible standards you have set for yourself. Negative thoughts will cause depression to become an endless cycle.

Stop rewarding bad behavior. Many times someone who is depressed will wallow in self-pity, allowing others to coddle them and take care of their responsibilities. Others abuse drugs, alcohol, sex, and food as a way to feel better temporarily. All of these behaviors do not help the depression in any way other than a temporary fix. Take away the rewards and the depressed person can focus on the root of the depression.

You aren't nuts! Depression is an illness that is just as treatable as any physical disease. Your body is telling you something is wrong. It may be an unresolved emotional issue or your brain is suffering from a chemical imbalance. Depression is your body's way of telling you that it is becoming overwhelmed and needs help.

If you are actively trying to combat depression, know you are not alone. Studies have shown that everyone experiences depression at some point in their life. Take note that depression is real and must be treated proactively. If you are experiencing a difficult time, and you think you may be depressed, you probably are. Find ways to treat the depression yourself or seek professional help to get your life back on track.

Depression comes in all shapes and sizes. The first thing to realize about depression is that if you have it, you don't need to be ashamed of it. Seeking out professional help should never make you feel like a failure or a weak person. It takes a strong individual to realize and accept that they need help.

If you find yourself in a depressive state, a great tip to use is to maintain a proper diet. Eat at least three square meals daily to keep your health up. Depression will often instigate a reduction in appetite, but if you fail to eat three healthy meals you will be contributing to the loss in energy and motivation. Not getting enough nutrients and calories means that your body can't function. Eating meals regularly helps your body get the energy it requires.

Get exercise. Activity can be very therapeutic, so having a regular exercise schedules can make your life happier and healthier. Learning to enjoy your exercise and having a healthy life will cause you to increase your positive moods. Having proper nutrition can also keep your health and happiness on a high note.

Depression of all types is a dreadful condition that afflicts many people. This is a serious medical condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible. This article should have given you some advice on how to cope if you have depression.

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